Contact Your Legislator


FarmFirst Dairy Cooperative believes it is important to contact your legislators when sharing your opinion on political matters, especially as they have the potential to impact your farm.

Finding elected officials contact information is easy using the sites listed below. Searches are often done using your zip code or by selecting your county and state.

Federal Elected Officials

State Elected Officials

Local Elected Officials

  • Locate your mayor by name, city, or population size.
  • Find your county executive (the head of the executive branch of government in your county) by map search or your ZIP Code. The county executive may be an elected or an appointed position.
  • Get contact information for your city, county, and town officials.

You can make a difference. Contact us to learn how easy it is to share your farm’s story with an elected official and your farm’s positive impact on the local community and economy.

Related Government Links

For more information regarding policies, bills and other government programs, please refer to these links for various other departments and committees related to each subject.


FarmFirst Dairy Cooperative
4001 Nakoosa Trail, Suite 100
Madison, WI 53714-1381

Toll-Free: 1-800-525-7704
Phone: 608-244-3373
Fax: 608-244-3643
E-mail: [email protected]

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