
What to Know About the Coronavirus Impacting Dairy

FarmFirst Dairy Cooperative has been actively monitoring the coronavirus as new mandates are coming forward and how our industry is being impacted. The potential ramifications for dairy are wide-ranging. Supply chain labor disruptions may take place on the farm, at the processing plant or in transporting milk. FarmFirst is standing ready to assist in any way we can to help keep supplychains open and running, and continues to communicate with our processing plant partners.

Precautions on the Farm.

Please remind family members and other on-farm staff to frequently and thoroughly wash their hands. Disinfect surfaces frequently. Keep a distance to prevent spreading potential germs when others are making visits to your farm, such as your milk hauler. If you are experiencing any symptoms, call your local clinic or hospital before going in to prevent the spread of the virus.

FarmFirst Dairy Cooperative joined with other Midwest dairy cooperatives to send a letter to Secretary Sonny Perdue on April 1, urging him to exercise all of his previously existing and new authorities to provide additional means of support for U.S. dairy farmers. You can read the letter here.

FMMO's Allow for Dumped Milk to be Pooled

Additional Resources:


For many, children are back at home several months earlier than normal. Families that are looking for creative lessons and new resources to engage children and keep them safe are encouraged to visit the Marshfield Clinic's resource page dedicated to kid's safety, here. Additionally, a variety of topics and handouts are also available here in the form of educator resources.

Marshfield Clinic: Keeping children engaged and safe on the farm during COVID-19: LINK

Ag Educator Safety Resources: LINK

As more restrictions are being made for the general public during the Coronavirus pandemic, farmers may want to have a copy of this permit with them to provide if questioned why they or their employees are traveling during times of restricted movement. Wisconsin Governor Evers had announced with his Safer-At-Home Order that permits are not required but for our members in other Midwest states, they may find it valuable to have.

**Download the word document here and update with your information. Download the spanish version of the work permit here.** When you click on the link, it will download immediately, so you will not be redirected to a new website. A pop-up should be at the bottom of your webpage where you can click to see it in Microsoft Word and begin editing with your farm and employee information.

Read: The President's Coronavirus Guidelines for America - 15 Days to Slow the Spread

Read: U.S. Dairy Industry's Coronavirus Resources

Check out the latest work and statements by FarmFirst by viewing our News Releases.


FarmFirst Dairy Cooperative
4001 Nakoosa Trail, Suite 100
Madison, WI 53714-1381

Toll-Free: 1-800-525-7704
Phone: 608-244-3373
Fax: 608-244-3643
E-mail[email protected]

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